February 4th, 2023 at Oak Creek High School
[Event Program]
FOCUS | Port Washington High School, Port Washington, WI
Gold Standard | Buffalo Grove High School, Buffalo Grove, IL
Incognito | Mayville High School, Mayville, WI
Knight Club | Oak Creek High School, Oak Creek, WI
Minor Renovation | Buffalo Grove High School, Buffalo Grove, IL
Modern Melodies | Buffalo Grove High School, Buffalo Grove, IL
The Spartan Singers | St. Francis High School, Wheaton, IL
Treblesome Teens | Hortonville High School, Hortonville, WI
St. Francis Chamber Choir | St. Francis High School, Wheaton, IL
Unaccompanied Minors | Brookfield East High School, Brookfield, WI
The top two finishing groups at this event will advance to the ICHSA Great Lakes Semifinal.
We invite you to tweet and Instagram this event using #ICHSA. Thanks!