March 25th, 2017 at Winter Park High School Auditorium
[Event Program]
In Tone Nation | New Manchester High School (Douglasville, GA)
Tonal Spectrum | Crest High School (Shelby, NC)
Syncopate | RJ Reynolds (Winston-Salem, NC)
TAG – The A Cappella Group | Cypress Lake Center for the Arts (Fort Myers, FL)
Acapocalypse | Pine Ridge High School (Deltona, FL)
After School Specials | Palm Harbor University High School (Palm Harbor, FL)
Fifth Measure | Houston High School (Germantown, TN)
Dolce Bella | Houston High School (Germantown, TN)
Harmony Hype | Harmony High School (Harmony, FL)
The top finishing group at this event will advance to the ICHSA Finals at the Town Hall in New York City.
We invite you to tweet and instagram this event using #ICHSA. Thanks!
Comfort Suites Downtown Orlando
2416 N. Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32804
(407) 228-4007 or (877) 228-4007
$150 single/double. Breakfast & wifi.
Via phone: Ask to speak to the front desk (do not ask for “reservations”) and request Varsity Vocals room block
Deadline: February 25th, 2017